I'm Mitch Meador, the BrandNerd.

You know people are looking at your business online but don't know what to do to turn browsers into buyers. You need a nerd—a sidekick who understands and executes a website system to grow your business.

With a powerful website, your marketing efforts can remain the same, but the results compound. You focus on what you do best, running your business.

Hey there! I'm Mitch Meador. It's nice to e-meet you! 

I'm a marketing consultant and web usability expert, aka, a nerd. 🤓

When I started BrandNerd in January 2017, it was just a side-hustle to provide a better living for my family.

Everything changed when I went to Nashville to get StoryBrand Certified. I spent five days with Donald Miller and it the mysteries of the storytelling and clear messaging were revealed to me.

If you don't know about StoryBrand, learn more here.

The next five years were like being strapped to a rocket ship. BrandNerd grew from a side-hustle to a seven-figure agency with employees, an office space, and a mini-fridge stocked with Coke Zero and Red Bull.

StoryBrand changed my life. But many people never implement it to its fullest potential and that saddens me. Don't be one of those people.

If you want to talk about how I can help your business grow, hit the button.

If marketing makes your brain hurt...

Are you struggling to get new leads?

Is explaining what you do complicated?

Did your last marketing effort flop?

Do you need a strategy to unite your team?

Is it time to revamp your website?

Are you tired of clients that aren't the right fit?

Got 30 minutes for a call?

Since 2017, BrandNerd has been reverse-engineering the marketing secrets big brands use.

We're nerds so we tend to study. What we've found is there are six principles that separate the 95% of online marketing efforts that flop from ones that make business owners rich.

We call these six principles The Browsers to Buyers Flywheel because it gives your marketing a compounding effect. Small investments of effort result in outsized returns when you follow the program step-by-step.

BrandNerd works with B2B and B2C companies.

If you use words to sell your products and services, we will help.
Small Businesses
National Brands
Financial Advisors
Personal Brands
Local Services
Fortune 500
And more!

Become an internet marketing master.


Build your flywheel.

Put your six principles in place.


Execute consistently.

Keep feeding the flywheel, systematically turning browsers into buyers.


Take off.

It's one marketing program you'll never regret.

This is the way.

What makes BrandNerd different?

The truth is, most business owners don't lack the knowledge of how marketing works. Knowledge is easy. There are thousands of Marketing majors working in coffee shops right now that have knowledge. But they only know how marketing works theoretically.

But what higher education doesn't teach is execution.

BrandNerd will revolutionize your business because we execute.

When you implement the Flywheel and start to understand the formula it follows, you'll start seeing it in campaigns from big brands everywhere you go.

You won't be able to resist pointing it out to your companions.

They won't care, but you'll tell them anyway because you're kind of a nerd now. 🤓

BrandNerd helps you...

Sound good.

Your words matter. Why? Because people don’t buy the best services, they buy the ones that compel them to do so.

Messaging & Copywriting
Brand Strategy
StoryBrand Consulting

Look good.

Bring great attention to your brand with the design elements. We make sure you aren't losing any jobs by looking unprofessional.

Logo & Identity Design
Graphic Design
Photo & Video Editing

Turn browsers into buyers.

A good website is central to any modern sales or marketing campaign. It's probably your most important brand asset.

Website Design
Website Development
SEO & Reputation Management

They have no regrets.

Hear from some long-term BrandNerd clients.
I REALLY struggled to find a marketing partner that just "gets it" until I found BrandNerd. It is amazing what they can do. It feels like Mitch is always three steps ahead of me. I have some big objectives to reach and BrandNerd has been helping me crush those goals. If you’re on the fence, jump in! This is where you need to be.

Jason A.

Multi-State Insurance Brokerage
Arizona, USA
We have a distinct competitive advantage over our local competitors, but struggled to put that into words. BrandNerd helped us capture our message, built us a brilliant website, and helped us tackle numerous technical challenges along the way! They helped us build a marketing program that works with the strict medical promotion regulations here in New Zealand. We continue to grow our practice and work with BrandNerd to add to more amazing marketing content to our program.

Dr. Alex B.

Eye Surgery Center
Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand
I was referred to BrandNerd by a mentor and I'm so grateful he referred me! The BrandNerd team all came together to make our website and marketing program jump off the screen—design, StoryBrand, goals, copywriting, videos, and so much more. I look forward to my monthly calls with Mitch because I know he is going to bring energy and new money-making insights for me. Hire Brandnerd. Period.

Rex A.

Security & Fire Alarms
Vermont, USA
I read StoryBrand about four years ago, and immediately knew I had to do something different with our marketing. I booked a call with Mitch and the rest is history. Since BrandNerd has come on board, we've doubled in patients, almost doubled in staff, expanded our office footprint by 40%, and recently purchased another practice 5 miles up the road! When I look back, it almost feels too good to be true.

Dr. Thomas S.

Family Dentist
Pennsylvania, USA
We worked with Mitch and his team to bring our shop into the future. He helped us clarify our message and put it into action on the new site. It was easy to work with BrandNerd and they kept us informed about every step along the way. Our website now gets 3 times the traffic the old site got. That is almost unreal! It converts at a higher rate too with clear calls to action and an offer that people actually sign up for. If you are looking for a website that works don't hesitate to reach out to BrandNerd. The results are awesome.

Tom D.

Auto Repair Shop
Pennsylvania, USA
The hardest part of running a business for me is "shiny object syndrome" (as Mitch calls it). I can't tell you the amount of hand-holding I've needed throughout these process, but it's a lot. They are patient and responsive to my questions and false-starts. If you're considering working with BrandNerd, you need to just do it. They understand how to make things that seem complicated incredibly simple.

Nathan B.

Online Education
London, UK

But wait, there's more!


Six fundamentals to generating sales online

You've heard of a coffee table book. Well, this is a desktop book made to sit on your desk.

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Hey. Mitch, here. I'm still working on writing it, but it's almost done. Here is a sneak peak:

Link to the e-book.
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One last thing before you go! Download this manual to jumpstart your marketing program.



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